With acknowledgement to the book by Kevin Lynch "The Image Of The City" 1960 Reading a review by Wenhao Yue where he states that "this is a book about the look of cities, and whether this look is of any importance" Sandra explored the notion of capturing his words through photographing where she lives in North London. Yue goes on to say that in Kevin Lynch's view, image of a city can be explained as “a picture especially in the mind”, a sentimental combination between objective city image and subjective human thoughts. Sandra reflected on the area of north London called Harringay, a neighbourhood she once called home that is not defined by drawn administrative boundaries, but the personal notions of its residents. In this project Sandra captures what Lynch summarises as the physical forms of 'city image' into five disctinct elements of paths, edges, districts, nodes and landmarks. Here is HARRINGAY my city.